Senior engineer - AI-based software development for microscopy / nanoscopy big data
Deadline: 10.12.2023
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
UiT The Arctic University of Norway is a multi-campus comprehensive university at the international forefront. Our vision is to be a driving force for developing the High North.
The Northern Sami notion eallju, which means eagerness to work, sets the tone for this motive power at UiT. Along with students, staff and the wider community, we aim to utilise our location in Northern Norway and Sápmi, our broad and diverse research and study portfolio and interdisciplinary advantage to shape the future.
Our social mission is to provide research-based education of high quality, perform artistic development and carry out research of the highest international quality standards in the entire range from basic to applied. We will convey knowledge about disciplines and contribute to innovation. Our social mission unites UiT across various studies, research fields and large geographical distances. This demands good cooperation with trade and industry and civil society as well as with international partners. We will strengthen knowledge-based and sustainable development at a regional, national and international level.
Academic freedom and scientific and ethical principles form the basis for all UiT’s activities. Participation, co-determination, transparency and good processes will provide the decision-making basis we need to make wise and far-sighted priorities. Our students and staff will have the opportunity to develop their abilities and potential. Founded on academic integrity, we will be courageous, committed and generous in close contact with disciplines, people and contemporary developments.
We will demonstrate adaptability and seek good and purposeful utilisation of resources, so we are ready to meet the expectations and opportunities of the future. We will strengthen the quality and impact of our disciplines and core tasks through the following three strategic priority areas.
Department of Computer Science
The position
UiT the Arctic University of Norway with its main campus located in the quaint little city of Tromsø is the northernmost university in the world. It houses the Bio-AI activity in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, at the main campus of UiT. The newly established activity has experienced a great surge in research, thanks to a flow of Horizon2020 funding through FET Open, Horizon Europe through EIC, funding from the Research Council of Norway, and strategic funding from UiT through diverse projects. This has led to a thriving multi-disciplinary research group, currently comprising of 2 principal investigators, 2 post docs, 5 PhD candidates, 2 master students and state-of-the-art research infrastructure. The core research activity of Bio-AI targets development of cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions with components of interpretability and/or scalability for processing biosignals. There is an emphasis on gender equality, cultural integration, conducive work environment excellence through cooperation and co-enabling, and support of growth and ambition of everyone in the group. We offer an interesting project funded by UiT within the stunning landscape of Tromsø.
Engineer Position for development of the artificial intelligence (AI) suite for post-processing biomedical images, such as microscopy and nanoscopy images of very large sizes: The Department of Computer Science wishes to hire an Engineer for 18 months in connection with the EIC Transition project NanoVision.
The workplace is at UiT in Tromsø. You must be able to start in the position within a reasonable time after receiving the offer.
Job description
The task to be accomplished by this Engineer is to develop the backbone, back-end and front end of the software of the AI suite of the NanoVision project.
The AI suite will have the following characteristics:
Developed in Python and ability to use powerful deep learning libraries
Ability to read raw unprocessed microscopy data and render is pseudocolors and with tools for brightness, contrast, zoom, pan or other visual enhancements
Ability to support a variety of AI and image processing tasks, such as image segmentation, ROI suggestion, image compression, denoising, etc.
Ability to provide interactive platform for the user to select and annotate regions of interest in the microscopy data, and present options for processing the data in a user-friendly manner
Ability to process large microscopy images (~GBs per image)
Ability to provide user with the options to select present processed outputs, save the results, make libraries, save AI models, make diary, etc.
A user-friendly user interface and front end for dynamic loading of big data and on-the-go manipulation and display.
Ability in building supervised and unsupervised deep learning models for medical images
A backend compatible with cloud computing, GPU computing, and dynamic distributed resource allocation procedures.
For further information about the position, please contact:
Assoc. Prof. Dilip K. Prasad, Phone+47 77645694, E-mail: dilip.prasad@uit.no
The position requires at least a master degree in Computer Science/ Electronics/ Engineering/ Mathematics.
The main qualifications and compulsory requirements include:
Prior experience in handling raw microscopy data (images and videos), super-resolved microscopy data and single molecule localization microscopy data.
Work experience in software development role for 3-5 years preferably in medical image processing domain
Python programming and experience in image processing, computer vision, deep learning, generative learning, and distributed resource allocation.
Documented experience in Pytorch, Keras, PyQT and OpenCV is a must, with open source and active repositories of the candidate.
Prior release of at least 5 software codes/demos and experience of version management in public software repositories like GitHub
Knowledge of Github action and experience of delivering at least one software lifecycle
Experience of Java programming for plugin development in imageJ or Fiji.
Experience in cloud computing, GPU-CPU hybrid distributed computing, and big data computing
Publications in the microscopy or computer vision domains is highly desirable
Excellent programming, report making, team communication, and scientific skills in English
The assessment will emphasize the candidates motivation and personal suitability for the position.
We are looking for candidates who have:
Good collaboration skills
Abilities for good communication and interaction with colleagues and students
Abilities and desires to contribute to a good working environment
We offer
A good working environment with dedicated colleagues
Flexible working hours and a state collective pay agreement
Pension scheme through the state pension fund
Remuneration of the position is in salary code 1181 on the pay scale for Norwegian state employees. There is a 2% deduction for contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. As a state employee, you have one of the best pension schemes available. For more information see: spk.no.
The application must be submitted electronically via www.jobbnorge.no, and shall include:
CV and application letter
Diplomas and transcripts
Written references
Contact information to 2-3 references
All documentation has to be in English or a Scandinavian language.
Inclusion and diversity
UiT The Arctic University i Norway is working actively to promote equality, gender balance and diversity among employees and students, and to create an inclusive and safe working environment. We believe that inclusion and diversity is a strength and we want employees with different competencies, professional experience, life experience and perspectives.
If you have a disability, a gap in your CV or immigrant background, we encourage you to tick the box for this in your application. If there are qualified applicants, we invite least one in each group for an interview. If you get the job, we will adapt the working conditions if you need it. Apart from selecting the right candidates, we will only use the information for anonymous statistics.
General information
The appointment is made in accordance with State regulations and guidelines at UiT. At our website, you will find more information for applicants.
More information about moving to Norway and working at UiT.
Employees who have been temporarily employed at UiT continuously for more than three years shall be deemed to be permanently employed, cf. the Civil Service Act § 9 (3).
A good work environment is characterized by diversity. We encourage qualified candidates to apply, regardless of their gender, functional capacity or cultural background.
UiT will emphasize making the necessary adaptations to the working conditions for employees with reduced functional ability. Questions can be directed to the contact person for the position.
According to the Norwegian Freedom and Information Act (Offentleglova) information about the applicant may be included in the public applicant list, also in cases where the applicant has requested non-disclosure.