SINTEF er et av Europas største forskningsinstitutt, med flerfaglig spisskompetanse innenfor teknologi, naturvitenskap og samfunnsvitenskap. SINTEF er en uavhengig stiftelse som siden 1950 har skapt innovasjon gjennom utviklings- og forskningsoppdrag for næringsliv og offentlig sektor i inn- og utland. SINTEF har 2100 medarbeidere fra 80 nasjoner og en årlig omsetning på over tre milliarder kroner.
SINTEF Ocean er et av seks institutt som utgjør SINTEF. Vi jobber med forskning og innovasjon knyttet til havrommet for nasjonal og internasjonal industri. Vår ambisjon er å videreføre Norges ledende posisjon innenfor marinteknisk og biomarin forskning. Sammen med næringsliv og myndigheter utvikler vi fremtidsrettede løsninger for bærekraftig utnyttelse av havet. Vårt hovedkontor er i Trondheim, og vi har avdelinger i Tromsø, Oslo, Ålesund og Bergen.
Are you a social scientist interested in working in an interdisciplinary setting and developing solutions on climate, environmental and sustainability challenges related to the ocean - ocean industries, governance and environment, including restoration?
We are currently seeking a candidate for a temporary position within our team, with experience in social science research. The temprorary position is expected to last 1-2 years, with the possibility for a permanent position following the temporary assignment.
The department and research group:
The research group Climate and Sustainability is a newly formed group at SINTEF Ocean in the Department of Climate and Environment. We engage stakeholders, analyse public perception, conduct ethical analyses, develop models and tools, and provide knowledge about and give decision support on, among other things, governance, economics, environmental (including biodiversity), and climate effects. We work with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, focusing on interdisciplinary research using a systems perspective. The group is based in Trondheim, but we also have employees in Tromsø and Bergen.
In our social science work, we use a variety of methods (semi-structured interviews, surveys, discourse analysis, ethical analysis, workshops, etc.). We have a strong focus on stakeholder engagement and thus on participatory methods, such as Group Model Building. Other researchers working within our interdisciplinary group use methods such as Life Cycle Assessment, Material Flow Analysis, value chain modelling, and economic modelling. We combine our methods with technology and industrial expertise, and work across departments and institutes within SINTEF and across Europe.
Main work tasks:
Research, analyse and contribute to developing tools and models for decision support for societal and industrial challenges in the ocean environment and economy by combining technological, economic, environmental and socio-political aspects.
Conduct interviews and facilitate workshops
Scientific work and project management in close collaboration with our customers and partners in Norway and abroad.
Develop projects (from initiating ideas and proposals to project management) and establish networks for SINTEF
Communicate and publish research results.
The ideal candidate will be able to expand the group's activities on developing solutions for current environmental challenges within ocean industries.
We are looking for candidates that:
Have a minimum of master's degree within the social sciences (candidates with a background within the humanities will also be considered)
Have documented, advanced experience with qualitative social science research methods
Are interested in facilitating workshops and co-production of knowledge
Preferably have quantitative data analysis skills
Have knowledge of/experience with EU(Horizon projects or similar) and/ or nationally funded research projects
Project management expertise
Can work on several initiatives and projects simultaneously.
Preferably at least 3 years of experience
Have engagement, willingness, and a desire to develop a strong research community together with the team
Are proactive, and a quick learner, curious, enterprising and creative.
Possess excellent written and oral English language skills as well as preferably language competencies within one of the Scandinavian languages
We offer:
Unique opportunities for professional and personal growth
A varied and flexible working day with a large degree of autonomy
Challenging research tasks together with a team of internationally renowned experts
Well-established national and international scientific and industrial networks
A multicultural working environment with skilled, experienced, and creative colleagues (60% have a PhD)
A balanced gender distribution
A central office location, facing the Trondheimfjord
A good social environment
Competitive salary
Particularly good pension, insurance schemes, and welfare schemes
Does this sound interesting to you, and do you want to know more about the position? Please contact research leader Vibeke Stærkebye Nørstebø or Sarah Schmidt.