Student interns at the SINTEF Brussels Office

Deadline: 14.04.2024


SINTEF er et av Europas største forskningsinstitutt, med flerfaglig spisskompetanse innenfor teknologi, naturvitenskap og samfunnsvitenskap. SINTEF er en uavhengig stiftelse som siden 1950 har skapt innovasjon gjennom utviklings- og forskningsoppdrag for næringsliv og offentlig sektor i inn- og utland. SINTEF har 2100 medarbeidere fra 80 nasjoner og en årlig omsetning på over tre milliarder kroner. 

Vår visjon: Teknologi for et bedre samfunn 

Les mer om SINTEF her.

SINTEF Community er et forskningsinstitutt for bærekraftig utvikling av bygg, infrastruktur og mobilitet. Vi skaper verdier for våre kunder og samfunnet gjennom forskning og utvikling, forskningsbasert rådgivning, sertifisering og kunnskapsformidling. Vi har spisskompetanse innenfor fagområder som arkitektur, bygg, vann, samferdsel og samfunnsøkonomi. Vi utvikler fremtidens løsninger for et bærekraftig samfunn.

Call for applications: Student interns at the SINTEF Brussels Office

The SINTEF Brussels office are looking for two student interns for the autumn of 2024 and spring of 2025. The call is open to candidates in MA programs that require student internships and students with a completed BA in European Studies, Political Studies, Social Sciences, Economics or any other relevant studies in the spring of 2024.

SINTEF is one of Europe's largest independent research organizations with top-level international expertise in technology, natural sciences, medicine, and social sciences. As a student intern in our SINTEF Brussels office, you will gain experience working with the SINTEF Brussels office staff in assisting SINTEF to promote participation in EU-funded research initiatives. You will learn about the EU's framework program for research and innovation, Horizon Europe. Furthermore, you will support the activities of SINTEF in its Norwegian and European networks. 

Activities that you could expect to include:

  • Work-related to monitoring Horizon Europe and other relevant EU initiatives
  • Participation in relevant meetings and conferences
  • Participation in working groups meetings of relevant networks where the office is part
  • Communication tasks, like writing of newsletters, policy briefs etc.
  • Support in organization of SINTEF events in Brussels, as well as other administrative tasks
  • Support the work of SINTEF staff members on topics such as policy, strategy and research

The trainee is expected to work independently, under the guidance of a staff member when needed. As the trainee will be part of the office's regular working routine, further activities could occur on the spot- during their assignment to the office's staff. A strong background in written communication is a prerequisite. Oral and writing knowledge in Norwegian and English is a prerequisite. 

Duration of the traineeship:

The duration of the traineeship is September 2024 - June/July 2025. We are looking for candidates that can hold the position for the whole proposed duration of the traineeship. 


Financially, students from Norwegian universities are eligible for Lånekassen and Erasmus+ funding. However, SINTEF's Brussels Office also offer an allowance of a maximum 1000 EUR towards interns' direct housing expenses. SINTEF will also cover travel-espenses to/from Brussels at the start and end of the internship period.

If interested, please send your CV and application letter by 1 April 2024. Please note that the workplace is in Brussels. 

Apply for position

For further questions about the position, please contact:

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