Ledig stilling ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Postdoctral fellow - K.G Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea

Deadline: 01.06.2019

About the Position

There are one position as Postdoctoral fellow vacant at The K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (JCLOS).

The position as Postdoctoral Fellow will be for a fixed term of two, alternative three years. The main objective of the appointment as a post-doctoral research fellow is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. No one may be appointed to more than one fixed term period as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the same institution.

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

UiT is a multi-campus research univeristy in Norway and the northernmost university of the world. Our central location in the High North, our broad and diverse research and study portfolio, and our interdisciplinary qualities make us uniquely suited to meet the challenges of the future. At UiT you can explore global issues from a close-up perspective.

Credibility, academic freedom, closeness, creativity and commitment shall be hallmarks of the relationship between our employees, between our employees and our students and between UiT and our partners.

The position’s affiliation

The position is affiliated to JCLOS, a national research centre partly funded for the period September 2013 - August 2019 by the Foundation K.G. Jebsen. From September 2019, the Centre will continue as a research centre for the Law of the Sea, but with a new name. The Centre have a staff of 25 - 30 employees; academic staff and PhD students. The Centre is located by the Faculty of law, providing for close contract and collaboration between the staff. The Centre also has an extensive national and international academic network.

JCLOS is part of the Faculty of Law, which has about 850 law students, 25 phD-students, 35 members of the academic staff and 15 members of the administrative staff. The Faculty may award the degrees of Master and PhD in Law as well as the degrees of Master of Laws (LL.M) in the Law of the Swa and a Joint Nordic Master Porgram in Environmental Law.

For more information on the Centre, see our website: www.uit.no/lawofthesea


Further information about the position is available by contacting:

The position's field of research

The Postdoc fellow is expected to undertake research within the overarching research theme: "Stability and Change in Law of the Sea" and the main research question: "How the Law of the Sea operates in the intersection between the need for stability and predictability and the need for it to adapt to/respond to changes and challenges".

Priority will be given to good research proposals relating to one of the specific themes "Regional Ocean Governance" or "Global Commons and Concerns".

Qualification requirements

The applicant is required to hold a Norwegian doctoral degree in the subject area concerned or a corresponding foreign doctoral degree recognised as equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree.

When applying for a Postdoctoral Fellowship, the applicant shall submit a project proposal for the qualifying work. The proposal shall include a progress plan. It is required that the applicant will be able to complete the project during the period of appointment.

Further, applicants must be able to document teaching qualifications in the form of documented practical competence as a teacher, university-level teaching seminars, other teaching education of through having developed a teaching portfolio, see also teacher training courses.

Emphasis is attached to personal suitability.In addition, he/she must be able to document proficiency in English equivalent to Norwegian Higher Education Entrance Qualification. The applicant must understand Norwegian of commit himself/herself to participate in the Norwegian Language Courses held by the University of Tromsø at the outset of the employment.

Working conditions

The working hours shall be utilised for research, research-related activities and research administration.

The position may include teaching or equivalent duties for UiT of a 20% position.

The successful applicant must be willing to engage himself/herself in the ongoing development of his/her discipline and the university as a whole.

The remuneration for this position is in accordance with the State salary scale code 1352. A compulsory contribution of 2% to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund will be deducted.

More information about moving to Tromsø: uit.no/mobility


The application must be submitted electronically via the application form available on this site and shall include:

  • letter of application
  • CV (containing a complete overview of education, supervised professional training and professional work)
  • diplomas and references
  • form for documentation of teaching qualifications
  • list of works and description of these

The list of works shall contain the following information:

  • author(s), the work's title
  • for arcticles: the journal's name and volume, the first and last page of the article, year of publication
  • for publications: publisher, priner, year of publication, number of pages
  • Academic works:

The applicant may submit up to ten works that are central to his/her production. The applicant's doctoral thesis is regarded in this context as one work.

  • In addition, the applicant shall provide a description of his/her production stating which works he/she considers the most important and which shall therefore be the main emphasis of the assessment. A brief description of the other listed works shall also be included to demonstrate depth of production.


The applicants will be assessed by an expert committee. The commitee's mandate is to undertake an assessment of the applicants' qualifications based on the written material presented by the applicants, and the detailed description drawn up for the position.

The applicants who are assessed as the best qualified will be called to an interview. The interview shall among other things aim to clarify the applicant's personal suitability for the position. A trial lecture may also be held.

Applicants shall also refer to the Supplementary regulations for appointment to postdoktor (Postdoctoral fellow), stipendiat (PhD) and vitenskapelig assistent (Research assistant) positions at UiT, and to the Regulations concerning terms and conditions of employment for posts of postdoktor (Postdoctoral Fellow), stipendiat (PhD), vitenskapelig assistent (Research assistand) and spesialistkandidat (Resident).

Other information

Questions concerning the organisation of the working environment, such as the physical state of the place of employment, health service, possibility for flexible working hours, part time, etc. may be directed to the telephone reference in this announcement.

UiT - The Arctic University of Norway has HR policy objectives that emphasize diversity, and encourages all qualified applicants to apply regardless of their age, gender, functional ability and national or ethnic background.

Personal data given in an application or CV will be processed in accordance with the Personal Data Act. In accordance with Section 25 subsection 2 of the Freedom of Information act, the applicant may request not to be registered on the public list of applicants. However, the University may nevertheless decide that the name of the applicant will be made public. The applicant will receive advance notification in the event of such publication.

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