Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Highly Efficient Modeling of Wind in Complex Terrain

Deadline: 03.03.2025

UiT The Arctic University of Norway is a multi-campus comprehensive university at the international forefront. Our vision is to be a driving force for developing the High North. The Northern Sami notion eallju, which means eagerness to work, sets the tone for this motive power at UiT. Along with students, staff and the wider community, we aim to utilise our location in Northern Norway and Sápmi, our broad and diverse research and study portfolio and interdisciplinary advantage to shape the future.

Our social mission is to provide research-based education of high quality, perform artistic development and carry out research of the highest international quality standards in the entire range from basic to applied. We will convey knowledge about disciplines and contribute to innovation. Our social mission unites UiT across various studies, research fields and large geographical distances. This demands good cooperation with trade and industry and civil society as well as with international partners. We will strengthen knowledge-based and sustainable development at a regional, national and international level.

Academic freedom and scientific and ethical principles form the basis for all UiT’s activities. Participation, co-determination, transparency and good processes will provide the decision-making basis we need to make wise and far-sighted priorities. Our students and staff will have the opportunity to develop their abilities and potential. Founded on academic integrity, we will be courageous, committed and generous in close contact with disciplines, people and contemporary developments.

We will demonstrate adaptability and seek good and purposeful utilisation of resources, so we are ready to meet the expectations and opportunities of the future. We will strengthen the quality and impact of our disciplines and core tasks through the following three strategic priority areas.


Faculty of Science and Technology

The position

A Postdoc position in the development of computationally efficient models of wind in complex terrain is available at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Technology.

The position is a fixed term position for a duration of 3 years. Appointment to the position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow is mainly intended to provide qualification for work in top academic positions. 

The position will additionally be assigned to teaching and related work for UiT in an amount equivalent to a maximum 25 % of a full-time employment. 

The workplace is at UiT in Tromsø. You must be able to start in the position within a reasonable time after receiving the offer.

The position's field of research

Our understanding of land-atmosphere coupling at large (continental) spatial scales is currently limited by our ability to faithfully represent all relevant wind structures of significant influence. High-resolution modeling (LES and DNS) is currently infeasible at all necessary scales, while existing computationally efficient algorithms that represent wind in complex terrain lack physical accuracy. The main focus of the research will be to advance the state-of-the-art of computationally efficient models for wind flows in mountain environments. The main fields of application will be to better represent physical processes at spatial and temporal scales relevant to glaciology, cold regions hydrology, and avalanche forecasting. The developed methodologies will be general purpose and applicable also to other fields. The desired research focus will utilize reduced order modeling techniques for dynamical systems (such as wind and climate systems) but also may use a wide range of techniques (e.g. numerical or perturbation methods) from applied mathematics. The research area of the successful candidate should integrate into the above research themes and advance ongoing scientific efforts with collaborators abroad; however, we will consider any application that shows connections to closely related topics.

You must submit a research plan (maximum 2 pages) that describes how you scientifically can contribute to the described field of research. 


For further information about the position, please contact:

  • Associate Professor Nikolas Aksamit: nikolas.aksamit@uit.no


Required qualifications:

  • A completed PhD in Mathematics, Physics, Meteorology, Engineering or a related field with a dissertation focused on fluid dynamics, wind processes, model order reduction, or a similarly relevant topic. 
  • Proficiency in a programming language is mandatory. Familiarity with the Linux operating system and with common programming tools and high-performance computing clusters (e.g., Git, SSH, Anaconda, Slurm, etc.) is also beneficial. 
  • Experience with mesoscale meteorology (e.g. WRF) or wind flow modeling (e.g. PALM) is a strong asset. 
  • A proactive approach to learning and implementing new mathematical tools from dynamical systems, with the ability to adapt to and utilize new theoretical advances will be highly regarded. 
  • Excellent written and verbal English abilities, with the skill to articulate complex concepts clearly and effectively. 
  • Documented capacity to independently design and execute research 
  • A research plan for the postdoctoral period, demonstrating how one's work will advance the field (maximum 2 pages)
  • A team player mindset, with proven experience working collaboratively in interdisciplinary settings.

If you're in the final stages of your PhD, you may still apply for the position, provided that you submit parts of your dissertation along with your application. This enables the evaluation committee to assess the quality and likelihood of completion by the desired employment date. You must include a statement from your supervisor or institution stating the expected completion date for your PhD degree. Documentation of your completed PhD degree must be submitted before commencement.

Optional qualifications:

The following competences will be positively evaluated:

  • A demonstrated interest in the Cryospheric Sciences, particularly with a vision to innovate and contribute significantly to research in snow and climate-relevant processes. 
  • Organization of workshops, tutorials, special sessions, special issues, or meetups 
  • Experience with writing grant proposals and the ability to secure research funding from various sources 
  • Ability to present research findings to both scientific peers and non-expert audiences. 
  • Experience in teaching relevant courses and supervising Master’s students in their research projects 
  • Teaching experience and qualifications.

During the assessment emphasis will be put on the candidate’s motivation, potential for research, and personal suitability for the position. 

At UiT we put emphasis on the quality, relevance and significance of the research work and not on where the work is published, in accordance with the principles of The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

Inclusion and diversity

UiT The Arctic University i Norway is working actively to promote equality, gender balance and diversity among employees and students, and to create an inclusive and safe working environment. We believe that inclusion and diversity is a strength, and we want employees with different competencies, professional experience, life experience and perspectives.

If you have a disability, a gap in your CV or immigrant background, we encourage you to tick the box for this in your application. If there are qualified applicants, we invite least one in each group for an interview. If you get the job, we will adapt the working conditions if you need it. Apart from selecting the right candidates, we will only use the information for anonymous statistics. 

We offer

  • An interdisciplinary academic environment with dedicated colleagues
  • Good career opportunities, and high employability after successful graduation 
  • A stunning Arctic landscape and diversity of outdoor activities 
  • Flexible working hours
  • Pension scheme through the state pension fun 
  • Good welfare benefits
  • Collaboration with researchers in Canada, New Zealand, and Central Europe
  • If you have to relocate to Tromsø then the Faculty of Science and Technology may reimburse your moving costs. Further details regarding this matter will be made available if you receive an offer from us.

Norwegian health policy aims to ensure that everyone, irrespective of their personal finances and where they live, has access to good health and care services of equal standard. As an employee you will become member of the National Insurance Scheme which also include health care services.

The UiT campus is near the center of Tromsø, a vibrant city located in Northern Norway with approximately 75,000 inhabitants, surrounded by the stunning landscape of Northern Scandinavia. The location also offers ample opportunities, e.g., skiing, hiking, the northern lights and the midnight sun. 

More practical information for working and living in Norway can be found here.


Your application must include:

  • Application letter
  • Research plan (max 2 pages)
  • CV
  • Diplomas and transcripts (all degrees)
  • Contact information for three references, including PhD supervisor
  • A list of your academic production
  • Description of your academic production, stating which works you consider most important
  • Copy of PhD thesis
  • Three academic works in published or pre-print format

All documentation to be considered must be in a Scandinavian language or English. We only accept applications and documentation sent via Jobbnorge within the application deadline.


The applicants will be assessed by an expert committee. The committee's mandate is to undertake an assessment of the applicants' qualifications based on the written material presented by the applicants, and the detailed description draw up for the position. A copy of the assessment report will be sent to all applicants. 

The applicants who are assessed as best qualified will be called to an interview. The interview should among other things, aim to clarify the applicant’s motivation and personal suitability for the position. A trial lecture may also be held.

General information

It is a prerequisite that the applicant can carry out the project over the full course of the employment period. No person may hold more than one fixed term position as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the same institution.The appointment is made in accordance with State regulations and guidelines at UiT. At our website, you will find more information for applicants

The engagement is to be made in accordance with the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment.

After the appointment you must assume that there may be changes in the area of work.

The remuneration for Postdoctoral research fellow is in accordance with the State salary scale code 1352. A compulsory contribution of 2 % to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund will be deducted. You will become a member of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, which gives you many benefits in addition to a lifelong pension. Read more about your employee benefits at: spk.no.

The successful candidate must be willing to get involved in the ongoing development of their department and the university as a whole.

According to the Norwegian Freedom and Information Act (Offentleglova) information about the applicant may be included in the public applicant list, also in cases where the applicant has requested non-disclosure. 

Apply for position

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