PhD scholarship within modelling of evapotranspiration using remotely sensed data

Deadline: 30.09.2024

NMBU will contribute to securing the future of life through outstanding research, education, communication and innovation. We have the country's most satisfied university students, who receive research-based education in a unique student environment. Our graduates gain a high level of competence in interdisciplinary collaboration and are popular in the labor market. NMBU has internationally leading research environments in several subjects. Together with our partners in society and business, we contribute to solving some of the biggest societal challenges of our time.

We focus on innovation, communication and entrepreneurship because we believe these challenges are best solved with joint efforts. We believe that a good working environment is characterized by diversity.If necessary, workplace adaptations will be made for persons with disabilities. More information about NMBU is available at  www.nmbu.no/en.

About The Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management

The Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) works with nature and the environment, sustainable use of natural resources, biological and geological processes.

MINA’s employees undertake teaching, research and dissemination within the fields of geology, hydrology and limnology, soil science, environmental chemistry, forestry, ecology, natural resource management, renewable energy, and nature-based tourism.

Our vision is to be a key actor in knowledge production and dissemination, and our goal is to deliver research of high, international quality, and varied and excellent teaching. The faculty’s employees are significant participants within their respective fields of expertise, both nationally and internationally. The faculty is dominated by a vital research culture and high levels of scientific production.

The faculty has about 200 employees, 90 PhD students and 650 students.

Read more about MINA here.

Are you interested in understanding the impact of treeline expansion on evapotranspiration?

About the position

Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant 3-year PhD scholarship related to analyses of evapotranspiration.

Evapotranspiration is a major component of the terrestrial water balance, on which the vegetation has a strong influence. With expanding treelines in Norway, the evapotranspiration is likely to increase. This might have huge impacts for the future water resources and hydropower production in Norway. The successful candidate will develop methods for modelling evapotranspiration conditioned on high resolution monitoring data. A main novelty of the project is the high-tech remote sensing of forest areas. The purpose is to assess impacts of treeline expansion on the water runoff.

The position is funded by MINA and the successful candidate will be part of MINA’s section Renewable energy and forest sciences within a research team for remote sensing for forests. This is a vital and very productive team of professors, researchers, and PhD students, with a large international network covering several research disciplines. This particular PhD project is a collaboration with hydrologists and meteorologists from MINA, Faculty of Science and Technology, and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE).

The application for a PhD position at MINA is also an application for admission to the MINA PhD programme. Documentation that ensures that the admission requirements are met must be uploaded as an attachment to your application, as described below.

Main tasks

The main tasks of the PhD candidate will include:

  • Fieldwork involving measurements of both evapotranspiration and tree cover in the treeline.
  • Hydrological modelling of evapotranspiration using remotely sensed data and climate data.
  • Statistical- and scenario analyses addressing impacts of treeline expansion on runoff.
  • Write and publish scientific papers.

The successful candidate is expected to have a PhD education plan approved by MINA during the first months of the appointment and to complete a PhD within the PhD scholarship period. The PhD candidate is encouraged to go for a research visit to LUKE, Finland, for 3–6 months.


The successful applicant must meet the conditions defined for admission to the programme. The applicant must have an academically relevant education corresponding to a five-year Norwegian degree program. The applicant must have a documented strong academic background from previous studies and be able to document proficiency in both written and oral English. For more detailed information on the admission criteria please see the PhD Regulations and the relevant programme description.

The applicant must document expertise and interest in the research subject.

Required Academic qualifications

  • Master's degree within a relevant field, such as in meteorology, hydrology, climate science, ecosystem science, or forest science
  • Programming skills - preferably in Python
  • Driver’s license

The following experiences and skills will be emphasized:

  • Competence on hydrological modelling
  • Competence on the climate-vegetation interaction
  • Experience with climate data and remote sensing data
  • Experience from field work
  • Experience with statistical analysis

Personal characteristics important for the position are:

  • Strong scientific capacity and analytical skills
  • Good social and collaboration skills
  • Ability to work independently
  • Strong English capabilities, both oral and written

Remuneration and further information

The position is placed in government pay scale position code 1017 PhD research fellow. PhD research fellows are normally placed in pay grade 54 (NOK 532.200) on the Norwegian Government salary scale upon employ-ment and follow ordinary meriting regulations.

Employment is conducted according to national guidelines for University and Technical College PhD scholars.

For further information, please contact:

Information to applicants


To apply online for this vacancy, please click on the 'Apply for this job' button above. This will route you to the University's Web Recruitment System, where you will need to register an account (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.

Application deadline: 30.09.2024

Your CV must be entered in JobbNorge's CV form and not just included as an attachment. This is to be able to comply with the regulations of §15 of the Public Administration Act.

In the application, the candidate must confirm that information and documentation (in the form of attachments) submitted via the job application can also be used by NMBU in a possible admission process.

Applicants invited for an interview are expected to present original diplomas and certificates.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • Motivation letter (maximum 1 page).
  • Complete CV. 
  • Certified copies of academic diplomas and certificates. (i.e. Diploma, transcript. Diploma supplement for both bachelor and master). Diplomas, transcripts and diploma supplements that are not in Norwegian or English must be uploaded in the original language. An English translation of these documents must also be attached.
  • Applicants from universities outside Norway are kindly requested to send a diploma supplement, or a similar document, which describes in detail the study program and grading system.
  • Documentation of proficiency in written and oral English in accordance with NMBU PhD regulation section 5-2 (3)
  • Names and contact details for two references.
  • Additional relevant documentation of professional knowledge (for example, list of scientific works). If it is difficult to judge the applicant’s contribution for publications with multiple authors, a short description of the applicant’s contribution must be included.

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