Ledig stilling på Universitetet i Oslo

Blindern og Urbygningen (Foto: Wikimedia og Colourbox)

Professor / Associate Professor in Systematic Theology / Contemporary Theology

Deadline: 29.05.2023

Universitetet i Oslo

Founded in 1811, the University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest ranked educational and research institution, with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. With its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally recognised research communities, UiO is an important contributor to society.

One of Europe’s leading universities, UiO consistently ranks among the top 50 in the world in the field of “Theology, Divinity and Religious Studies” (QS World University Rankings 2022).

The Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo has a total of approx. 70 staff and 350 students. The faculty conducts research in the fields of biblical studies, church history, systematic theology, practical theology, diaconal and interreligious studies and offers programmes for the theological education for clerical ministry as well as a number of other academic study programmes within the field of religion.

Job description

The Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo invites applications for a full-time tenured position as Professor/Associate Professor in Christian Systematic Theology/Contemporary Theology, with emphasis on Dogmatics.

The area of Systematic Theology engages the interpretation of Christian faith and worldviews in a contemporary perspective, with particular attention to its contribution to church and society. As configured at the Faculty of Theology, Dogmatics includes a concentration on constructive academic analyses of ways in which Christian faith may be understood as relevant in the context of current cultural and social challenges. An emphasis is thus placed on the location of Systematic Theology as a historical discipline within the field of Theology, but which engages hermeneutically in contemporary social and other contexts and issues. The position requires broad experience and methodological and theoretical depth as well as an international research orientation and expertise. It is expected that the holder of this position is highly motivated to co-operate closely with all Faculty members and to make a significant contribution to the research and teaching profile of the Faculty.

The position requires expertise within one or more of the following areas: Creation Theology, Anthropology, Christology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, Ecumenical Studies, and Theology of Religion. Other areas of interest include Eco Theology, Decolonialization Studies, Feminist and/or Queer Theology, and Political Theology. Familiarity with and knowledge of Nordic society and Nordic Theological Education, as they intersect with issues of theological consequence, is expected for this position.

The successful candidate is expected to generate and lead research projects at a high international level, supervise Ph.D. candidates, participate in teaching, examination, and assessment at all levels, and to carry out administrative duties and leadership in accordance with the needs of the Faculty.

The position, which allocates 45% of the holder’s time commitment for research, 45% for teaching, and 10% for administration, is placed in the Academic Unit for Contemporary Theology and Religion: Systematic Theology, Practical theology, Religious Studies and Interreligious Studies. The Unit has approx. 25 members, including permanent and temporary staff. The successful candidate must be willing and able to teach across the Faculty’s educational programs, including, e.g., the Theology Program, a six-year program educating ministers for the Church of Norway (Lutheran), Religion and Society (RESA, which consists of BA and MA programs concentrating on religion and contemporary society, including inter-religious relations and gender analysis), and Leadership, Ethics and Counselling (LES), a two-year Master’s Program with a focus on the interconnectedness between theory and praxis in religious leadership and chaplaincy.

Applicants must document their suitability to contribute to the objectives stated in the University of Oslo’s Strategic plan, especially to promote “independent, ground-breaking, long-term research” and “educate students with the knowledge, ability and willingness to create a better world.” It is expected that the successful candidate will take up residence in the Oslo region and take an active part in the daily work of the Faculty.

Qualification and Skills


  • A Ph.D., or equivalent academic qualifications, in the field of in theology.
  • Documented pedagogical skills/teaching competence related to Systematic Theology/Contemporary Theology – Dogmatics.
  • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English and one Scandinavian language. International applicants will be required to teach in a Scandinavian language within two years of their appointment (see Formal Regulations below).
  • A solid record of relevant scholarly publications.
  • Originality and innovation in research.
  • Documented experience of, or potential for, acquisition of externally funded projects and project management within research.
  • Knowledge of Nordic societies and Nordic theological education.
  • Experience with dissemination, management, and administration.
  • For specific requirements related to the position as Professor, see here (part 1.2.3), for specific requirements related to the position as Associated Professor, see here


  • International experience and networks.
  • Experience with cross- and/or interdisciplinary research and teaching.
  • Experience with project management and research collaboration.
  • Experience with dissemination.
  • Experience with digital humanities.

Personal skills

  • Collaborative skills
  • An open mind towards new methodological approaches and interdisciplinarity
  • High personal motivation for research and teaching
  • Motivation for academic leadership and administration

We offer

  • Salary from NOK 636 700 to 746 900 depending on qualifications, for the position of Associate Professor (position code 1011).
  • Salary from NOK 765 600 to NOK 935 300 depending on qualifications, for the position of Professor (position code 1013)
  • A professionally stimulating working environment.
  • A generous pension agreement.
  • Attractive welfare benefits.
  • The opportunity to apply for promotion to full professor at a later stage, if the successful candidate is employed at the level of Associate Professor.

How to apply

The application must include:

  • Cover letter (statement of motivation, summarizing scholarly work and research interest; max. two [2] pages).
  • CV (complete list of education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience, project acquisition and coordination and/or leadership experience, and other qualifying activities).
  • A complete list of publications (‘Life-Time publications’), with up to ten (10) publications marked by the applicant as being of special relevance for the position.
  • Teaching portfolio of 3–6 pages, documenting pedagogical competence and teaching experience.
  • Description of qualifications and experience in research dissemination and administration (max. 3 pages).
  • Ph.D. Diploma and transcript of records.
  • List of three (3) reference persons (name, relationship to candidate, e-mail, and phone number.) At least one of the references should be in a position of academic leadership. NB: Reference letters should not be included in the application but may be requested by the search committee.

The application with attachments must be submitted through our electronic recruitment system; please follow the link “Apply for this job” below.

Please note that all application documents must be in English.

Formal regulations

Please refer to the Rules for Appointments to Professorships and Associate Professorships at the University of Oslo (see links above under Requirements and Skills, which include the Guide for Applicants and Members of the Assessment Committee as well as Rules for implementing the requirement of basic pedagogical competence at the University of Oslo).

Assessment Procedure: A selection committee will invite a limited number of candidates (“short list”) to submit a portfolio of academic work (up to ten [10] publications) that are particularly relevant for the position. Please note, therefore, that academic publications shall not be enclosed with the application itself. Standard procedure at the University of Oslo is to invite short-listed candidates for interviews and to give a lecture (“prøveundervisning”).

In keeping with relevant regulations, assessment of applicants will be based primarily on research and teaching. Applicants will also be evaluated based on documented activity within research dissemination, pedagogical qualifications, experience of supervision, administrative qualifications, including leadership, and other activities relevant for the position.

The successful candidate, who at the time of their appointment cannot document basic pedagogical qualifications will be required to obtain such qualifications within a three-year period.

The successful candidate must demonstrate mastery of both English and one of the Scandinavian languages as working languages. While it is preferred that the successful candidate will be able to teach in a Scandinavian language immediately upon hiring, if the candidate is not fluent in a Scandinavian language, they will be expected within a two-year period to learn sufficient Norwegian to be able to participate actively in all functions the position may involve, including teaching and administration.

According to section 25 (2) of the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act (Offentleglova) information about the applicant may be included in the public applicant list, even in cases where the applicant has requested non-disclosure.

The University of Oslo has a transfer agreement in place for all employees, securing rights to research results and intellectual property.

The University of Oslo is an equal opportunity employer, aiming for diversity and inclusion. We encourage all qualified candidates to apply for this position, regardless of their religious or ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, or physical ability.


  • Dean Anders Runesson, phone number + 47 22850305 / +47 41418976, e-mail: anders.runesson@teologi.uio.no

For questions about the recruitment process: HR Officer: Anna Dyrkorn Tjora, phone number: +47 22857859, e-mail: a.d.tjora@teologi.uio.no

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