Ledig stilling på Universitetet i Oslo

Blindern og Urbygningen (Foto: Wikimedia og Colourbox)

Associate Professor of Medicine (Biochemistry)

Deadline: 30.09.2023

Job description

Universitetet i Oslo

The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest ranked educational and research institution, with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. With its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally recognised research communities, UiO is an important contributor to society.

The Institute of Basic Medical Sciences overall objective is to promote basic medical knowledge in order to understand normal processes, provide insight into mechanisms that cause illness, and promote good health. The Institute is responsible for teaching in basic medical sciences for the programmes of professional study in medicine and the Master's programme in clinical nutrition. The Institute has more than 300 employees and is located in Domus Medica.

A permanent position is available at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Department of Molecular Medicine, Division of Biochemistry, for an Associate Professor of Medicine in the areas of chromatin biology or membrane dynamics.

We are looking for candidates who are expected to initiate and lead research, supervise PhD candidates, teach in the Medical School, set and assess exams, and carry out administrative duties. Teaching consists of formal lectures, group teaching and practical courses. Candidates must therefore document in their application, and demonstrate during the evaluation, that they are qualified and motivated to teach. The appointed candidate will also be expected to take part in committees for PhD theses and appointments.

For further description of the position, see here: [link]

The Department of Molecular Medicine consists of 30 research groups (about 180 people) across three divisions (Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology). It brings together a wide expertise aiming to understand biological and pathological processes, from cellular to systems levels. Research areas in the Department include neurosciences, cardiovascular physiology, molecular immunology, cellular membrane dynamics and chromatin biology, and rely on mechanistic studies at the organ, cellular and subcellular levels. Experimental models include mice, rats and flies, which supplement a wide range of model organoids, iPS cells, stem cells, and other mammalian cell types. Our research relies on an array of experimental approaches including (electro)physiology, molecular/cell biology, advanced microscopy, proteomics, genomics and other -omics techniques, and advanced computational methods.

The position is within the Division of Biochemistry, a dynamic teaching and research environment within the Department. The Division counts 8 competitive research groups working in a collaborative manner on membrane trafficking, nuclear envelope dynamics, autophagy, cardiovascular biology, adipose and muscle biology, epigenetics and chromatin biology. More information on research in the Department and Division of Biochemistry can be found here.

Qualification requirements

  • PhD in molecular/cell biology or medical biochemistry. A degree in medicine (MD or equivalent) will be considered as an advantage should other qualifications be equal.
  • Strong research background in chromatin biology or membrane dynamics.
  • Documented pedagogical skills and teaching experience in molecular/cell biology or biochemistry.
  • Experience in supervision of PhD students.
  • Successful acquisition of extramural funding and project leadership as principal investigator.
  • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English and Norwegian (or another Scandinavian language). Applicants who do not master a Scandinavian language at the time of appointment are given two years to learn Norwegian.


  • High ambitions and quality of teaching and communication.
  • High quality of research and publishing in peer-reviewed international journals.
  • The successful applicant must provide a 3-page research plan and outline plans for acquiring external funding. The research plan must include a description on how the research will complement and synergize methodologically and/or thematically with research in the Division and the Department, in chromatin biology and/or membrane dynamics.
  • Interdisciplinary and international collaborations are expected.

Personal skills

  • Ambition to create an attractive and competitive research environment.
  • Dynamic international and interdisciplinary networking skills.
  • Ability to communicate complex scientific topics to students, peers and the general public.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to create a dynamic and positive work environment will be emphasized.

We offer

  • A yearly salary of NOK 720 000 – 796 000 depending on qualifications.
  • A professionally stimulating working environment.
  • The opportunity to establish a dynamic and innovative research group with potential to recruit high caliber PhD students and postdocs.
  • The opportunity to apply for promotion to full professorship.
  • Excellent collaboration opportunities within the Department, the University, the adjacent Oslo University Hospital, and other institutions in the Oslo area.
  • Attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement, in addition to Oslo’s family-friendly environment with its opportunities for culture and outdoor activities.

How to apply

The application must include:

  • A cover letter stating motivation for the position and summarizing scientific work, research interests, teaching experience and future plans.
  • A CV including: list of education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience, project coordination experience, list of supervised PhD students, past and current own funding, and other qualifying activities. Any leave of absence should also be mentioned.
  • A complete list of published or accepted publications. Do not attach any publication.
  • From the above list, a list of up to 5 publications relevant for the position and for which you should briefly specify your contribution and impact of the findings.
  • A list of external funding acquired (amount, date and name of funding body). In case of network grants, specify your individual part. 
  •  A 3-page research plan including a section on how your work will integrate with ongoing research in the Division of Biochemistry and Department of Molecular Medicine.
  • An up to 3-page educational portfolio documenting educational competence and experience, including a reflection note on your own practice and learning vision.
  • PhD diploma, and if relevant, MD diploma.
  • A list of 3 references with name, email and phone number.

Application with attachments must be submitted via our online recruitment system. All documents should be in English.

Interviews and trial lecture will form part of the appointment process. The entire breadth of qualifications will be assessed in ranking competent applicants.

Formal regulations

Please refer to the Rules for Appointments to Professorships and Associate Professorships at the University of Oslo, the Guide for Applicants and Members of the Assessment Committee and Rules for practicing the requirement for basic pedagogical competence at the University of Oslo.

Pursuant to section 25(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, information concerning the applicant may be made public, even if the applicant has requested not to appear on the list of applicants.

The University of Oslo has a transfer agreement with all employees that is intended to secure the rights to all research results etc.

Inclusion and diversity strengthen academic environments. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving gender balance at all levels of the organization. Our goal is to hire employees with a diverse range of expertise, experience and perspectives, whether they're experts in a single subject or a combination of subjects. We will make adjustments for employees who require this.

If there are qualified applicants with special needs, gaps in their CVs or immigrant backgrounds, we will invite at least one applicant in each of these groups to an interview.


  • Associate Professor Thomas Sæther, Head, Division of Biochemistry: thomas.sather@medisin.uio.no
  • Professor Philippe Collas, Chair, Department of Molecular Medicine: philc@uio.no

Apply for position

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