Ledig stilling på Universitetet i Oslo

Blindern og Urbygningen (Foto: Wikimedia og Colourbox)

Position as Professor II / Associate Professor in cancer medicine open for a clinical trialist

Deadline: 17.03.2024

Universitetet i Oslo

The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest ranked educational and research institution, with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. With its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally recognised research communities, UiO is an important contributor to society.

The Institute of Clinical Medicine (Klinmed) is one of three institutes under the Faculty. Klinmed is responsible for the Faculty's educational and research activities at Oslo University Hospital and Akershus University Hospital. With about 800 employees spread over approximately 425 man-labour years, Klinmed is the university's largest institute. Our activities follow the clinical activity at the hospitals and are spread across a number of geographical areas.

About MATRIX and UiO

The Institute of Clinical Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo (UiO), in collaboration with MATRIX, Norwegian Centre for Clinical Cancer Research, has a vacant position as Professor II / Associated Professor (20%) in interventional cancer medicine (specialty oncology, gynecological oncology, oncological surgery or haematology) for a clinical trialist. This part-time position has funding for four years, and eligible applicants must already possess a full-time position at one of the fifteen partner hospitals in MATRIX.

The focus of the UiO Growth House is to strengthen the innovation culture in the region and contribute to research being put to use by helping researchers and students to mature early-stage ideas. Tailored counseling, seed funding, meeting places, an innovation mentor program and student internships are provided. The School of Health Innovation is an initiative by the University of Oslo (UiO), NTNU in Trondheim, University of Copenhagen and Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm and aims to provide healthcare and life science researchers with tools and insight into how research can be put to use for the benefit of patients, the healthcare system and our society.

MATRIX's overall goal is to improve survival and quality of life for patients with hard-to-treat cancers through precision cancer medicine. The Centre aims to increase the number of available clinical trials in Norway and increase the number of cancer patients included in such studies. Furthermore, competence building and training for the next generation of clinical trialists within the field of precision cancer medicine, are important aspects in the Centre. The University of Oslo is one of the partner institutions in MATRIX, and the Centre is now funding a 20% position as Professor II / Associate Professor to strengthen interactions with and increase the training and mentoring capacity within the UiO Growth House and in particular, with the School of Health Innovation.

About the position

The vacant Professor II SKO 1013 /Associate Professor SKO 1011 (20%) in interventional cancer medicine is connected to the UiO Growth House, an innovation unit for life sciences, health and technology. 

Work tasks will include:

  • Lead and initiate research and research supervision related to clinical studies in the cancer area.
  • Mentoring drug development projects, including advice on determining health relevance and medical need (School of Health innovation and UiO Growth House itself).
  • Teaching on how to conduct pre-clinical and clinical trials.

For complete job description with qualification requirements and basis of evaluation on the academic position please see here.


  • Authorization and medical license issued by the Norwegian Directorate of Health
  • Specialty training in oncology, gynecological oncology, oncological surgery or haematology
  • Hold a strong record in research within oncology, gynecological oncology, haematology or surgery with ongoing clinical research activity
  • Experience with planning and management of clinical trials
  • Extensive experience with national and international research networks
  • Experience in grant writing and obtaining external research funding
  • Main position at Oslo University Hospital or one of the other hospitals that are partners in MATRIX
  • Good cooperative and communication skills both in English and in a Scandinavian language

Interpersonal skills and the ability to create an attractive research environment, plans for research and ambitions relating to the applicant's personal teaching practice will be emphasized in addition to knowledge of and/or experience from planning and implementation of clinical studies.

We can offer

  • A challenging and friendly working environment
  • High academic standards
  • A favorable pension arrangement
  • Advantageous welfare conditions
  • An inclusive workplace
  • Pay grade depending on qualifications

How to apply

The application must include:

  • A cover letter and CV
  • Complete list of publications
  • Separate list of 10 most relevant publications to be evaluated specifically for the position (please submit in full text).
  • Overview of experience in supervising PhD candidates, including names of the candidates, period of supervision, information on institutions and dates for the presentation of the theses, as well as specific information regarding experience as main- or co-supervisor for each candidate.
  • Description of qualifications regarding administration, leadership, teaching and foreign language skills.
  • Other relevant qualifications.

Application with attachments must be submitted via our online recruitment system. Please note that all documentation must be in English or a Scandinavian language.

Interviews will form part of the appointment process. The entire breadth of qualifications will be assessed in ranking competent applicants.

See guidelines for designing the application, information for applicants, rules for appointments to Associate/Adjunct Professorships as well as rules concerning pedagogical skills.

Formal regulations

Please refer to the Rules for Appointments to Professorships and Associate Professorships at the University of Oslo, the Guide for Applicants and Members of the Assessment Committee and Rules for practicing the requirement for basic pedagogical competence at the University of Oslo.

Pursuant to section 25(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, information concerning the applicant may be made public, even if the applicant has requested not to appear on the list of applicants.

The University of Oslo has a transfer agreement with all employees that is intended to secure the rights to all research results etc.

Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.

If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, employment gaps or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these categories to an interview.

Contact information

  • Åslaug Helland, Director MATRIX and Professor and Research Director, Oslo University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Centre. E-mail: aslaug.helland@medisin.uio.no or Phone: +47 95940863
  • Kjetil Taskén, Professor and Head of Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital. E-mail: kjetil. tasken@medisin.uio.no or Phone: +47 90860759

Inquiries about the application process should be directed to HR advisor at Institute of Clinical Medicine, Andreas Hessen Solheim. E-mail: a.h.solheim@medisin.uio.no Phone: +47 22859243

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