Universitetet i Oslo
The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest rated institution of research and education with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. Its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally esteemed research communities make UiO an important contributor to society.
The Department of Chemistry is Norway's largest institution within research and education in chemistry. Our research excels internationally and we educate students to a wide variety of jobs in industry, academia, research institutions, schools and public administration. Our research ranges from the core topics of chemistry to applied science within in environmental, health, energy and materials.
The Department has extensive contacts with industry, research and educational institutions at home and abroad. As partner in the Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology our researchers contributes to a significant interdisciplinary efforts in cooperation with the Department of Physics. The Department of Chemistry has its own school laboratory as a great resource for teachers, public outreach and the didactics of chemistry.
Job description
A full-time position as Associate Professor is available in the group of Nuclear Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry.
About the Department and what they are looking for in this position.
The Department of Chemistry at the University of Oslo is Norway's largest institution within research and education in chemistry. Our research excels internationally, and we educate students to a wide range of jobs in industry, academia, research institutions, schools, and public administration.
Our research ranges from the fundamentals of chemistry, including synthesis and characterization of compounds and materials, to applied science within the environment, health, energy, and materials. The Department has extensive contacts with industry, research, and educational institutions domestically and abroad. The Department of Chemistry has a dedicated own school laboratory serving as a resource for teachers, public outreach, and the didactics of chemistry.
The position is also affiliated with the Norwegian Nuclear Research Centre which is headed by our colleagues at the Department of Physics (https://www.nnrc.uio.no/). The Centre was established in 2023 to strengthen nuclear research and competence in Norway and is a collaboration between the Norwegian University for Life Sciences (NMBU), the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), and UiO.
The Department of Chemistry is part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; the strategy of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences can be found here:Knowledge development in a changing world - Science and technology towards 2030
The Department seeks a candidate that has passion for research and education in radiochemistry. The candidate should be in an early stage of their career and be a potential scientific leader in radiochemistry, having clear educational and research visions and abilities to establish and lead research projects.
Our group presently works mainly within the realm of inorganic and physical chemistry. Relevant research areas are studies of separation and extraction of metals from minerals and waste using radioactive tracers; processing of spent nuclear fuel; nuclear medicine and imagining techniques; reactor safety and decommissioning; nuclear detector development; etc. High competence in advanced radiochemical separation techniques is of particular relevance.
We develop and apply various neutron activation analysis (NAA) methods and techniques, using 14 MeV neutrons from a DT-generator. We work in close collaboration with radiochemists at the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) at Kjeller and neutron generators are operated as a joint venture. Currently, the first new generator is installed at our premises at UiO. Experience with and/or interest in NAA is highly desirable.
For research directions targeted at nuclear medicine and more biochemically oriented areas, an extensive network within both academia and industry, regionally and internationally, is required.
In addition to applied nuclear science, research within fundamental nuclear science is of interest and relevance.
The Nuclear Chemistry research group has an extensive laboratory infrastructure with several radiochemical labs with class B (high levels of radioactive material) or C (moderate levels); a long range of radiation detectors and acquisition electronics, and a new DT neutron generator installed in a permanent irradiation laboratory. In addition, through a collaboration with the Czech Technical University in Prague, we have constructed a unique gas-jet transport line from a cyclotron-irradiated target to enable work with short-lived nuclei in a dedicated radiochemistry lab. Contributing to maintenance of this infrastructure is part of the work for a successful candidate.
Our goal is to provide a broad and solid education in radiochemistry to our students. The successful applicant should have a solid chemistry competence and be able to teach general chemistry courses and those relevant to your field of competence, e.g. nuclear chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry.
More information about the Nuclear Chemistry group can be found at our web page.
General information about the position
Applicants must document academic qualifications in their field, equivalent to an Associate Professor position. The successful applicant must be able to teach at all levels and to supervise Master and PhD students.
For the successful applicant, dependent on experience and skills, a suitable mentor and/or advisory group will be established.
The successful applicant may furthermore be required to take on other teaching duties and administrative tasks, by request from the Department of Chemistry.
Qualifications requirements
Required qualifications:
- The successful applicant must have completed a PhD within nuclear chemistry and/or radiochemistry.
- Scientific qualifications within one or more of the research areas outlined above will play a major role, and main emphasis will be on the candidate’s scientific production from the last five years.
- Candidates should be able to establish, lead and conduct research projects the nuclear chemistry and/or radiochemistry field and attract external funding.
- Pedagogical qualifications including teaching and supervision experience at all levels will be an important factor in the evaluation process and should be well documented in a teaching portfolio. The applicant should describe her/his qualifications in view of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) framework which includes:
- Focus on student learning.
- A clear development over time.
- A researching approach.
- A collegial attitude and practice.
- The successful candidate who at the time of appointment cannot document sufficient teaching qualifications (minimum formal requirement is a 200-hour pedagogical program) will be required to obtain such qualifications within a two-year period.
- The successful candidate must demonstrate mastery of both English and one of the Scandinavian languages as working languages, in order to be able to teach and otherwise participate in all functions the position may involve. If the successful candidate does not have sufficient mastery of a Scandinavian language, the candidate will be required to learn sufficient Norwegian within a two-year period.
Desirable qualifications:
- A track record in scientific and administrative leadership is an advantage, as well as participation in the acquisition of research grants, also as a collaborator.
- Experience in collaboration with industry and the institute sector is an advantage.
- International network, outreach activities, collegiality, and the ability to create a good working environment will be part of the evaluation.
- The person appointed will be requested to take on some administrative duties. Hence such experience will be an advantage.
Personal qualities
- Ability to create and contribute to a well-functioning, inclusive and productive research environment.
- Networking skills, ability to collaborate and conduct scientific leadership.
- Ability to cooperate and communicate well with other members of staff.
The successful candidate should have an international profile with respect to the above criteria. The candidate for this position will be selected based on excellence and fit with the section’s research profile.
We offer
- Salary NOK 700 000 - 800 000 per annum depending on qualifications in a position as Associate Professor (position code 1011).
- A professionally stimulating work environment.
- Attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement, in addition to Oslo’s family-friendly environment with its rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities.
- The opportunity to apply for promotion to full professorship at a later stage only pertains to employment as Associate Professor.
Inclusive worklife and diversity at UiO
Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.
If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, employment gaps or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these categories to an interview.
We hope that you will apply for the position.
More information about gender equality initiatives at UiO can be found here.
How to apply
The application must include:
- Application letter describing the motivation for this position.
- A research position paper (1–4 pages) describing the applicant’s vision and scientific ambitions for the near future.
- A detailed CV, including a complete list of education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative management, project acquisition and coordination experience, and other qualifying activities.
- Copies of educational certificates, PhD diploma, transcript of records and letters of recommendation.
- A complete list of publications and academic merits and awards (if not included in the CV).
- Full text of up to 10 selected scientific publications the applicant wishes to include in the evaluation.
- A document discussing the importance, interrelation, and relevance of the selected papers for this position.
- Educational portfolio of 3–6 pages documenting educational competence and experience, including a reflection note in which your own teaching practice and view of learning is anchored in the SoTL framework (focus on student learning, development over time, a researching approach and a collegial attitude and practice)
- List of reference persons: 2–3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and phone number)
The application with attachments must be submitted in our electronic recruiting system; please follow the link “Apply for this job”. Please note that all documents should be in English (or a Scandinavian language).
General information
As a general rule an interview will be used in the appointment process, usually supplemented with a trial teaching session. The basis for assessment will be the scientific production of the applicant, the teaching portfolio, pedagogical and educational qualifications, the applicant’s qualifications within leadership and administration, other qualifications as well as general personal suitability for the position. In ranking the competent applicants, the full range of qualifications will be considered and explicitly assessed.
Rules for appointments to associate professorships.
Rules for the assessment and weighting of pedagogical competence for appointments to permanent academic posts which include teaching duties: Rules for practising the requirement for basic university pedagogical competence at UiO - University of Oslo
According to the Norwegian Freedom and Information Act (Offentleglova), information about the applicant may be included in the public applicant list, also in cases where the applicant has requested non-disclosure.
The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results, see here.
In addition, the University of Oslo aims for its employees to reflect the diversity of the population to the greatest degree possible. We therefore encourage qualified applicants with disabilities or gaps in their CV to apply for the position. The University of Oslo will adapt the workplace to suit employees with disabilities. Applicants who indicate that they have disabilities or gaps in their CV are made aware that this information may be used for statistical purposes.
All candidates will have to undergo a check versus national export, sanctions and security regulations. Candidates may be excluded based on these checks. Primary checkpoints are the Export Control regulation, the Sanctions regulation, and the national security regulation.
Apply for this job
Questions about the position
- Professor Jon Petter Omtvedt, +47 22855439, j.p.omtvedt@kjemi.uio.no
- For questions regarding Jobbnorge, please contact HR Senior Adviser, Torunn Standal Guttormsen, t.s.guttormsen@mn.uio.no