Researcher within Digital Twins of the Ocean

Deadline: 22.03.2024


SINTEF er et av Europas største forskningsinstitutt, med flerfaglig spisskompetanse innenfor teknologi, naturvitenskap og samfunnsvitenskap. SINTEF er en uavhengig stiftelse som siden 1950 har skapt innovasjon gjennom utviklings- og forskningsoppdrag for næringsliv og offentlig sektor i inn- og utland. SINTEF har 2100 medarbeidere fra 80 nasjoner og en årlig omsetning på over tre milliarder kroner. 

Vår visjon: Teknologi for et bedre samfunn 

Les mer om SINTEF her.

SINTEF Ocean er et av seks institutt som utgjør SINTEF. Vi jobber med forskning og innovasjon knyttet til havrommet for nasjonal og internasjonal industri. Vår ambisjon er å videreføre Norges ledende posisjon innenfor marinteknisk og biomarin forskning. Sammen med næringsliv og myndigheter utvikler vi fremtidsrettede løsninger for bærekraftig utnyttelse av havet. Vårt hovedkontor er i Trondheim, og vi har avdelinger i Tromsø, Oslo, Ålesund og Bergen.

The department and research group

The interdisciplinary research group Ocean Observation and Ecosystems at the department for Climate and Environment in Trondheim develops technical and digital solutions for environmental monitoring and sustainable solutions for industries operating in the ocean space. Digitalisation and digital transformation are central in the SINTEF Ocean strategy. We combine our backgrounds in software development, data management, operational oceanography, oceanography, marine ecology and toxicology, ocean optics and electronics into new applications, including Digital Twins of the Ocean. Our full-scale marine research infrastructure in the Trondheim fjord and soon along the coast of Mid-Norway produces data from autonomous underwater drones, autonomous vessels, the marine ecosystem observatory and aquaculture sites which we have brought into several large EU research projects. Our national and international involvement in the development of Digital Twins of the Ocean and our engagement in FAIR data sharing was pivotal in establishing the Norwegian Ocean Data Forum coordinated by SINTEF Ocean. We are now looking to strengthen our capacity within ocean data management and analysis, data science, DTO infrastructure development and international collaboration in relation to ongoing and future activities within these topics. We work with Python and R on Windows, Linux or cloud systems.

The role

We work in projects that push the boundaries of technology for ocean observation, as well as applied research to move environmental decision-making and sustainable ocean operations and solutions to the next level. This includes the exciting field of developing Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTO) and Digital Ocean Twins (DOT) that include human activities in the ocean and the ocean industry based on new and established data and application products.

We are looking for you if you want to bring your digital competence within software development / programming and data science into operationalising data access and data sharing from the different disciplines that comprise SINTEF Ocean and its technical ocean research infrastructure. We are looking for you if you feel comfortable in taking responsibility in projects and communicating digital solutions. We are looking for you if you bring in your competences without loosing sight of the bigger picture, our strategy, as well as the colleagues and developments around you.

In addition to technical project work the position will also include involvement in project management and project development towards a range of customers and collaboration partners, including industrial customers and EU commission. In addition participation in international projects, presenting at meetings and conferences will be relevant, and you will contribute to national and international project applications.

As our new colleague and teammate, you will have exposure to multiple disciplines within ocean science and digital ocean technology, and the opportunity to develop your skills further within exciting projects. 

Specific competences and interests we are looking for are:

  • Data management and FAIR sharing of our sensor data: designing, building, and maintaining operational data pipelines.
  • Data science (data curation, data analysis and machine learning methods).
  • Semantic data interoperability, data spaces.
  • Data-driven digital applications for operations in the ocean and fjords, including: integration of numerical and machine learning models, data visualisation and simple web applications, as well as containerisation of applications, data virtualisation and cloud computing.
  • Strong international communication and collaboration skills within the topics of digitalisation and digital transformation of ocean science.
  • Master's degree in Oceanography, Mathematics, Computer science, Physics or a related and relevant field, with experience and a strong interest in ocean data management and data science

Personal attributes we are looking for:

  • Taking initiative and finding inspiration in discovering new solutions and answers
  • Good cooperation skills, ability to work in a team
  • Good written and verbal communication skills 
  • Good analytical and organisational skills 
  • Motivated by the opportunity to develop technology for a better society

What SINTEF can offer:

  • A world-leading research environment with significant societal impact.
  • A dynamic workplace valuing diversity and initiative.
  • Varied and flexible workdays.
  • Unique opportunities for professional and personal development, particularly for researchers with doctorates.
  • Competitive salary and comprehensive welfare offerings.
  • Modern pension scheme with very good insurance benefits.

If interested, please submit your motivation letter together with your CV and transcripts.

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