Ledig stilling på Universitetet i Oslo
Blindern og Urbygningen (Foto: Wikimedia og Colourbox)
Researcher in Tandem Solar Cell Materials
Deadline: 28.11.2023
Universitetet i Oslo
The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest rated institution of research and education with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. Its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally esteemed research communities make UiO an important contributor to society.
Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN) is an interdisciplinary focus field for material and energy research at the University of Oslo.
SMN has focused on basic research in renewable energy and environmentally friendly use of fossil energy sources.
The center consists of research groups from the Department of Physics (FI) and Chemistry (KI), has about 100 employees from around the world and manages more than 80 projects funded by the EU, the RCN and others.
Om stillingen:
A position as Researcher in tandem solar cell materials is available at the Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN) as part of the project Discovery and exploration of novel materials for tandem solar cells (DENT).
The position is for a period of 24 months.
Starting date no later than January 1, 2024.
Job description/project description:
Tandem solar cell designs can potentially reach collection efficiencies 50% higher than today’s single-junction technology. However, there are inherent challenges in current state-of-the-art tandem materials, as the elements are either toxic, unstable, scarce, or too costly to fabricate for large scale production. The DENT project aims to find and experimentally verify novel materials capable of going beyond the state-of-the-art, and, if promising materials are discovered, fabricate solar cell devices.
The task of the researcher will be to experimentally investigate materials predicted by theory, or pre-screened promising materials, for their suitability in a tandem solar cell. The work will include thin film deposition and optical, electrical and structural characterization of the thin films. If an investigated material is found suitable, a solar cell test device will be fabricated and characterized. The work will be mostly of an experimental character, but with some modelling of solar cell device structures using established models.
The project is co-funded by UiO:Energy and environment and FME SuSolTech (Centre for renewable energy in sustainable solar cell technology). As part of FME SuSolTech, you will attend conferences and seminars with solar cell researchers and industry partners from all parts of Norway.
You will be part of the semiconductor physics group LENS (Light and Electricity from Novel Semiconductors) with around 30 highly dedicated professors, researchers, postdocs, PhD Research Fellows, engineers, administrators and master students.
The infrastructure used in this work includes the UiO Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory (MiNaLab), which has a clean room area of 440 m2 with a multitude of modern deposition and characterization instruments.
You will also be closely integrated with the SOLARIS initiative, which is an interdisciplinary flagship project at UiO.
Qualification requirements:
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has a strategic ambition to be among Europe's leading communities for research, education and innovation. Candidates for these fellowships will be selected in accordance with this, and expected to be in the upper segment of their class with respect to academic credentials.
- Master’s degree or equivalent in physics, chemistry or materials science
- Foreign completed degree (M.Sc.-level) corresponding to a minimum of four years in the Norwegian educational system
- Fluent oral and written communication skills in English
- Solid knowledge of solid-state physics/materials science and semiconductor physics
It is desirable that applicants have knowledge and experience with:
- Film deposition by PVD
- Material characterization methods, such as XRD, UV-VIS, ellipsometry, CL/PL, XPS/UPS and Hall measurements
- Clean room routines
The position's subject area may require licensing under the Norwegian Export Control Act. In order to be considered for the position, it is a prerequisite that UiO must be able to be granted such licence.
Personal skills:
- Strong social, communication and collaboration skills
- Ability to work independently and cooperate in an interdisciplinary scientific environment.
We offer:
- Salary NOK minimum 502 300 – 584 500 per annum depending on qualifications in position as Researcher (position code 1108)
- Attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement
- Professionally stimulating working environment
- Vibrant international academic environment
- Oslo’s family-friendly surroundings with their rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities
The application must include:
- Cover letter (statement of motivation, summarizing scientific work and research interest)
- CV (summarizing education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience and other qualifying activity)
- Copies of educational certificates, academic transcript of records and letters of recommendation
- A complete list of publications and up to 5 academic works that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee
- Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number)
The application with attachments must be delivered in our electronic recruiting system, please follow the link “Apply for this job”. Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their University's grading system. Please note that all documents should be in English (or a Scandinavian language).
In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the documented, academic qualifications, as well as the candidates motivation and personal suitability. Interviews with the best qualified candidates will be arranged.
It is expected that the successful candidate will be able to complete the project in the course of the period of employment.
Formal regulations:
According to the Norwegian Freedom and Information Act (Offentleglova) information about the applicant may be included in the public applicant list, also in cases where the applicant has requested non-disclosure.
The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.
The University of Oslo aims to achieve a balanced gender composition in the workforce and to recruit people with ethnic minority backgrounds.
Contact persons:
For further information about the position please contact:
- Prof. Eduard Monakhov, e-mail: Eduard.Monakhov@fys.uio.no
- Dr. Vegard Skiftestad Olsen, e-mail: v.s.olsen@fys.uio.no
For technical questions regarding the recruitment system JobbNorge please contact:
- HR-adviser Olga Holmlund, e-mail: olga.holmlund@mn.uio.no
Apply for this job