Ledig stilling på Universitetet i Oslo

Blindern og Urbygningen (Foto: Wikimedia og Colourbox)

Researcher in Metagenomics

Deadline: 31.03.2025

Universitetet i Oslo

The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest rated institution of research and education with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. Its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally esteemed research communities make UiO an important contributor to society.

Department of Biosciences (IBV) is one of nine departments at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Research in the department is organised in five sections covering topics within biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, cell biology, genetics, aquatic biology, toxicology, ecology, and evolutionary biology. The Department also operates Finse research station, the Biological research station in Drøbak and UiO's research vessel. Education across these topics is offered for around 300 bachelor, 170 master, and 75 PhD students. With 48 permanent professors/associate professors, post-docs, researchers, technical, and administrative personnel, the Department has a total staff of 260 from more than 30 different countries. The Department aims to maintain high international standards within both research and teaching. The new bachelor program in bioscience is the first of its kind to include programming and computational modelling as core elements.

About the position 

Position as Researcher available at Department of Biosciences (IBV), University of Oslo. 

The position is for a period of 3 years. Starting date no later than 01.05.2025.

Job description / Project description

The position is part of Sicksoil, a cross-disciplinary and international research project aimed at understanding and mitigating Sick Soil Syndrome in fruit production. This syndrome has profound implications for agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability. The project’s overarching goal is to improve our understanding of soil health, with a particular focus on carbon sequestration, microbial biodiversity, and related challenges such as soil organic matter dynamics and microbial dysbiosis. 

The announced research position will focus on investigating microbial and viral communities and their roles in soil health and resilience, with the aim of developing sustainable solutions to enhance agricultural productivity. We are seeking a candidate capable of conducting microbial diversity and functional studies, covering the entire pipeline from molecular lab work to final statistical analyses, including bioinformatics. However, if necessary, we will prioritize applicants with strong expertise in bioinformatics and statistical analyses over molecular lab experience. 

Key responsibilities

  • Analyzing sequencing data to map microbial communities and monitor changes in soil and plant samples. This includes molecular lab work on metabarcoding, selected metagenomics analyses, and specific viral studies targeting both RNA and DNA viruses.
  • Performing primarily DNA analyses, while also conducting RNA-based studies, including transcriptomics and total RNA analyses, to explore soil microbiota and functional processes
  • Systematizing data, managing data storage, and performing statistical analyses by integrating chemical, agronomical, and biological data
  • Collaborating closely with the research team, farmers, and advisors to translateresearch findings into practical soil improvement solutions


The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has a strategic ambition to be a leading research faculty. Candidates will be selected in accordance with this goal, focusing on academic credentials.

Required qualifications:

  • Applicants must hold a degree equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree in bioinformatics, molecular biology, microbiology, or related fields. Doctoral dissertation must be submitted for evaluation by the closing date. Only applicants with an approved doctoral thesis and public defence are eligible for appointment. 
  • Documented experience with molecular biology, including DNA and RNA library construction, sequencing, related to metabarcoding, metagenomics, transcriptomics, and viral analyses
  • Documented practical experience in applying statistical methods to biological data
  • Proficiency in bioinformatic techniques and relevant programming languages, such as Python or R, for data processing and analysis
  • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English and preferably a Scandinavian language

Desired qualifications

  • Strong collaborative skills, with a background in agriculture-related research as an advantage

If applicants do not fully meet all requirements, qualifications in bioinformatics and statistics will be given priority.

Personal skills

  • Language: Applicants must be fluent in both written and spoken English to a level sufficiently high for communication and dissemination at an academic level.
  • Communication: The ability to communicate research findings clearly, both in written and oral form, to scientific colleagues, project partners, and the general audience.
  • Independence and Teamwork: The ability to work independently and as part of a team, as projects often require both individual effort and collaboration with other researchers.
  • Project Management: Competence in managing project tasks, including coordinating fieldwork, laboratory work, and data collection.

Inclusive worklife and diversity at UiO

Inclusion and diversity are a strength. The University of Oslo has a personnel policy objective of achieving a balanced gender composition. Furthermore, we want employees with diverse professional expertise, life experience and perspectives.

If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, employment gaps or immigrant background, we will invite at least one applicant from each of these categories to an interview.

We hope that you will apply for the position. 

We offer 

  • Exciting and meaningful tasks in an organization with an important societal mission, contributing to knowledge development, education, and enlightenment that promote sustainable, fair, and knowledge-based societal development.
  • A pleasant and stimulating work environment 
  • Good welfare schemes.
  • Opportunity of up to 1.5 hours a week of exercise during working hours.
  • A workplace with good development and career opportunities. 
  • Membership in the Statens Pensjonskasse, which is one of Norway's best pension schemes with beneficial mortgages and good insurance schemes.
  • Salary in position as Researcher, position code 1109 in salary range NOK from 579 700 - 700 000, depending on competence and experience. From the salary, 2 percent is deducted in statutory contributions to the State Pension Fund.

Read more about the benefits of working in the public sector at Employer Portal.


Your application should include:

  • Cover letter (statement of motivation, summarizing scientific work and research interest)
  • CV (summarizing education, positions, pedagogical experience, administrative experience and other qualifying activity)
  • Copies of educational certificates, academic transcript of records and letters of recommendation
  • A complete list of publications and up to 5 academic works that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee
  • Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, email and telephone number
  • Application with attachments must be submitted via our recruitment system Jobbnorge, click "Apply for the position".

When applying for the position, we ask you to retrieve your education results from Vitnemålsportalen.no. If your education results are not available through Vitnemålsportalen, we ask you to upload copies of your transcripts or grades. Please note that all documentation must be in English or a Scandinavian language.

In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the documented, academic qualifications, as well as the candidates motivation and personal suitability. 

It is expected that the successful candidate will be able to complete the project in the course of the period of employment.

General information

The best qualified candidates will invited for interviews.

Applicant lists can be published in accordance with Norwegian Freedom of Information Act § 25. When you apply for a position with us, your name will appear on the public applicant list. It is possible to request to be excluded from this list. You must justify why you want an exemption from publication and we will then decide whether we can grant your request. If we can't, you will hear from us.

Please refer to Regulations for the Act on universities and colleges chapter 3 (Norwegian) and Rules for the use of research posts SKO 1108, 1109, 1110 and 1183 at UiO.

The University of Oslo has a transfer agreement with all employees that is intended to secure the rights to all research results etc.

Apply for the position

Questions about the position

  • Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi (Professor), +47 41045328, kamran@ibv.uio.no
  • Nina Holtan (HR Adviser - for questions regarding Jobbnorge), nina.holtan@mn.uio.no
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