PhD Research Fellow in Sport Science

Deadline: 26.03.2024

University of Agder

The University of Agder has more than 1500 employees and almost 14 000 students, making us one of Southern Norway's largest workplaces. Our dedicated staff engage in research, teaching and dissemination across a diverse range of fields.

The university is located on two modern campuses in Kristiansand and Grimstad.

About the position

A 100 % position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences as a PhD Research Fellow in Sport Science, affiliated to the Department of Sport Science and Physical Education, for a period of three years, or four years with 25 % required duties (teaching/departmental support component). The position is located, at the present, at Campus Kristiansand. The starting date is negotiable with the faculty, with a target point September 2024.

The Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences has four departments: Department of Health and Nursing Science, Department of Nutrition and Public Health, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education and Department of Psychosocial Health.

The successful candidate will be welcomed into the research group SPADE (Sport Performance & Athlete Development Environments). The main advisor for the PhD fellowship will be Professor Stephen Seiler.

The Research Topic

This research project will integrate three themes:

1) training intensity distribution optimization for endurance athletes

2) triangulation approaches to daily training monitoring

3) an engineering-inspired psychobiological conceptualization of the training monitoring process using a Load-Stress-Strain framework adopted by the main advisor

Specifically, this project will focus on new, technologically innovative, and conceptually integrative approaches to quantifying the acute internal stress response emerging from specific intensity x duration external loads. By combining quantifying perceptual, cardiovascular, and ventilatory dynamics during relevant training scenarios we will expand both mechanistic and practical knowledge in endurance training. Supported by the advisor, the PhD Fellow will develop an independent sequence of connected projects that integrate both laboratory and field methods to test the Load-Stress-Strain framework in a practical training context. A novel aspect of this research project will be the inclusion of ventilation changes during different endurance training prescriptions to more physiological measurements such as HR and blood lactate concentration.

The PhD Fellow will therefore also cooperate with both research expertise and developers in the fields of ventilatory control and wearable technologies, respectively. Applicants are encouraged to use the article and lecture links provided to delve into the background of research and development that should inform the application.

Required qualifications

The applicants must qualify for admission to the PhD-programme in the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, and have a master’s degree in sport science, exercise science, kinesiology or equivalent with a documented average grade of A or B. Applicants who are in the process of finishing their master’s thesis are also welcome to apply for this position.

The candidate must demonstrate good English communication skills orally and in writing. These qualifications should be demonstrated through the motivation letter and reflection note, and in the interview.

Further provisions relating to the positions as PhD Research Fellow can be found in the Regulations Concerning Terms and Conditions of Employment for the post of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Research Assistant and Resident.

Questions about the PhD program can be directed to eli.andas@uia.no

Desired qualifications

  • Experience with laboratory-based physiological research
  • Experience with quantitative research methods
  • Experience with field testing of endurance athletes
  • Experience with a high level, intuitive programming language like R, or Python for the purpose of data analytics and/or application development
  • Background as an endurance athlete

Personal qualities

  • Proactive, adaptive, and open-minded
  • Excellent communication (both written and oral) and teamwork skills
  • Ability and confidence to work independently and critically engage with both advisors and the research literature.

Personal qualities and suitability for the position will be emphasized.

We offer

  • Professional development in a large, exciting and socially influential organisation
  • A positive, inclusive and diverse working environment
  • Modern facilities and a comprehensive set of welfare offers 
  • Membership of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund

More about working at UiA.

The position is remunerated according to the State Salary Scale, salary plan 17.515, code 1017 PhD Research Fellow, NOK 532 200 gross salary per year. A compulsory pension contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund is deducted from the pay according to current statutory provisions.

General information

UiA is an open and inclusive university. We believe that diversity enriches the workplace and makes us better. We, therefore, encourage qualified candidates to apply for the position independent of gender, age, cultural background, disability or an incomplete CV.

The successful applicant will have rights and obligations in accordance with the current regulations for the position, and organizational changes and changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position must be expected. Appointment is made by the University of Agder’s Appointments Committee for Teaching and Research Positions.

Short-listed applicants will be invited for interview. With the applicant’s permission, UiA will also conduct a reference check before appointment. Read more about the employment process.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act § 25 (2), applicants may request that they are not identified in the open list of applicants. The University, however, reserves the right to publish the names of applicants. Applicants will be advised of the University’s intention to exercise this right.


The application and any necessary information about education and experience (including diplomas and certificates) are to be sent electronically. Use the link "Apply for the job".

The following documentation must be uploaded electronically:

  • Academic CV
  • Motivation letter for the position (max one page/500 words).
  • Transcripts and diplomas for bachelor's-, and master's- degrees. If you have not yet completed your master, provide a transcript of courses completed and your estimated date for the master´s degree completion.
  • A copy of the master thesis. For those who are near to completion, an extended abstract combined with a statement about plans to complete the thesis. Documentation of a completed master’s degree must be presented before taking up the position.
  • Academic works - published or under review - that you would like to be considered in the assessment (up to five items)
  • A reflection note outlining a possible sequence of 3-4 sub-projects within the research topic described above and expanded on in the links (with methodological approaches and challenges) (max 3000 words).

The applicant is fully responsible for submitting complete digital documentation before the closing date. All documentation must be available in a Scandinavian language or English.

Application deadline: 26 March 2024.


For questions about the position and the research theme to be pursued in this fellowship can be directed to:

  • Professor Stephen Seiler, tel. +47 38 14 13 47, mob. +47 916 14 587, e-mail stephen.seiler@uia.no
  • Professor and Head of Department Sveinung Berntsen Stølevik, tel. +47 38 14 10 45, mob. +47 909 89 765, e-mail sveinung.berntsen@uia.no
  • Professor Monica Klungland Torstveit, tel. +47 38 14 18 31, mob. +47 916 44 402, e-mail monica.k.torstveit@uia.no

For questions about the application process:

Apply for the job

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