Researcher / Senior Researcher in Marine CFD at SINTEF Ocean
Søknadsfrist: 03.12.2023
SINTEF er et av Europas største forskningsinstitutt, med flerfaglig spisskompetanse innenfor teknologi, naturvitenskap og samfunnsvitenskap. SINTEF er en uavhengig stiftelse som siden 1950 har skapt innovasjon gjennom utviklings- og forskningsoppdrag for næringsliv og offentlig sektor i inn- og utland. SINTEF har 2100 medarbeidere fra 80 nasjoner og en årlig omsetning på over tre milliarder kroner.
SINTEF Ocean er et av seks institutt som utgjør SINTEF. Vi jobber med forskning og innovasjon knyttet til havrommet for nasjonal og internasjonal industri. Vår ambisjon er å videreføre Norges ledende posisjon innenfor marinteknisk og biomarin forskning. Sammen med næringsliv og myndigheter utvikler vi fremtidsrettede løsninger for bærekraftig utnyttelse av havet. Vårt hovedkontor er i Trondheim, og vi har avdelinger i Tromsø, Hirtshals, Oslo, Ålesund og Bergen.
SINTEF is one of Europe's largest independent research institutions. For over 70 years, we have contributed to growth, innovation and solutions for our customers and for society. Together with our customers, we work each day to create societal benefits and spark competition. The UN's sustainability goals guide the work at SINTEF, and our vision is “Technology for a better society”. The key to many of our time's greatest challenges lies in the ocean. SINTEF Ocean is developing the future's ocean-based industries within the areas of food, energy, environment and transportation. We currently have an open position as a researcher in the field of marine hydrodynamics.
SINTEF Ocean has significant research activity within the field of marine hydrodynamics. Our research activities are aimed at multiple industries, both nationally and internationally: maritime, offshore wind, aquaculture, oil and gas, and coastal constructions. Our department is involved in multiple large research centres, while also completing projects in close collaboration with industry actors. Our work approach is project based, and each of our project can be conducted with a wide team in order to combine complementary research methods such as experiments, numerical analysis and software development, providing the best possible content to our customers. SINTEF Ocean runs one of the world's leading laboratory environments for the advanced testing of ships and ocean constructions. Together with NTNU, we are working on the establishment of The Norwegian Ocean Technology Centre, which will be our future research centre.
Tasks for this position will be within the following areas:
Establish, manage and participate in research projects and performance evaluation projects in cooperation with industry and research actors.
Perform aero- and hydrodynamic analysis by means of CFD, within one or several of the following marine industries: maritime, offshore wind, aquaculture, oil and gas, coastal infrastructures.
Publish research findings through both scientific and popular channels.
Contribute to the development of our CFD competences and services.
We are looking for candidates with the following qualifications:
Master degree or PhD within fluid mechanics
Experience with aero- and/or hydrodynamic analysis by means of CFD
Fluency in English and strong motivation to learn Norwegian
It is an advantage if the candidate has:
Experience with establishing and managing projects
Experience and good network within one or several marine industries
Experience with StarCCM+, OpenFOAM, Rhinoceros3D, CAESES
Personal attributes:
Taking initiative and finding inspiration in discovering new solutions and answers
Good cooperation skills, ability to work in a team
Good written and verbal communication skills
Good analytical and organisational skills
Motivated by the opportunity to develop technology for a better society
What SINTEF can offer:
A world-leading research environment with significant societal impact.
A dynamic workplace valuing diversity and initiative.
Varied and flexible workdays.
Unique opportunities for professional and personal development, particularly for researchers with doctorates.
Competitive salary and comprehensive welfare offerings.
Modern pension scheme with very good insurance benefits.
If interested, please submit a concise application text, together with your CV and transcripts.