Ledig stilling på Universitetet i Oslo

Blindern og Urbygningen (Foto: Wikimedia og Colourbox)

Researcher in molecular gerontology / systems gerontology

Deadline: 11.07.2024

Universitetet i Oslo

The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest ranked educational and research institution, with 28 000 students and 7 500 employees. With its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally recognised research communities, UiO is an important contributor to society.

Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM) was established in 2008 and is the Norwegian node in the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. NCMM is a joint venture between the University of Oslo, Health Region South-East and the Research Council of Norway. From 2017 NCMM is merged with the Biotechnology Centre of Oslo and now has altogether 11 research groups. The overall objective of NCMM is to conduct cutting edge research in molecular medicine and biotechnology as well as facilitate translation of discoveries in basic medical research into clinical practice.

Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway is seeking outstanding candidates for a two-year position of researcher in molecular gerontology/systems gerontology

The candidate will work in Professor Janna Saarela´s laboratory in a NordForsk-funded project in collaboration with Hilde Loge Nilsen (Oslo University Hospital). The project aims to define signatures of DNA damage driven aging and its association with common age-related disease. 

For the project, the candidate is expected to compile a set of functionally relevant variants in DNA repair genes and design appropriate strategies for interrogating the variants in population level databases. The candidate will participate in applying access to relevant databases, determine associations with disease outcomes and utilize available multi-omic data in population level databases to determine signatures of DNA damage driven aging. 

  • Qualification requirements include a PhD or equivalent degree, appropriate postdoctoral training, experience with supervision and a track record of high-impact publications 
  • Deep knowledge about aging processes and how they contribute to disease
  • Knowledge of the principles of DNA repair
  • Experience in analyzing omics-level data related to aging biology
  • Expert-level knowledge of how to convert complex "big data" into biological insights 
  • Broad experience in application of bioinformatic tools, interpretation and visualization of results
  • Ability to discuss and apply different types of statistical models on biological data
  • Experience with command-line interfaces and high-performance computing. Proficiency in at least Python or equivalent programming skills

Applications should include a cover letter summarizing the applicant’s career, past research accomplishments in relation to the call (max 1-2 pages), CV and a list of publications (with 5 most significant publications indicated), and names of three references. University of Oslo is an equal opportunity employer and female and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. 

The top candidates will be invited to present their research in a talk and interview.

The successful candidate for the position will be offered a two-year contract. The position is included in the Norwegian health insurance and retirement pension schemes and will be placed as SKO (Position Code) 1109 Researcher and with a salary range depending on qualifications from NOK 635,400 to 732,300. Assistance and financial support are provided for international or national relocation as necessary.

For further information visit our website. Inquiries about the positions can be directed to NCMM Director, Professor Janna Saarela (director@ncmm.uio.no). Inquiries regarding technical aspects of the application can be directed to Nina Modahl (ninam@ncmm.uio.no).

Formal regulations

Following the Freedom of Information Act (Offentleglova) § 25, Chapter 2, information about the applicant may be used in the public list of applicants even if the applicant opts out from the entry in the public application list.

The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results etc.

The University of Oslo aims to achieve a balanced gender composition in the workforce and to recruit people with ethnic minority backgrounds.

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